The Shortwave Shindig 2015 Rebroadcast WRMI 7570 khz (03-07-2015)

Check out our rebroadcast of the Shortwave Shindig  from the 28th Annual Winter SWL Fest in Plymouth Meeting, PA. The Shindig was originally broadcast on 02-27-2015 which some interruptions and mayhem due to losing our internet connection by which we were streaming the program to WRMI in Okeechobee, FL. The rebroadcast sews the program back together in its intended one hour format.

Bonne Annee! A Brooklyn FM Pirate New Years Eve 2014-15

No fancypants mix this, but a bump and grind relief map of the FM dial from 87.9 to 107.9 as recorded at The Tuning Lab in Flatbush, Brooklyn 12/31/14-15. Over thirty pirate stations were on the air, and I attempted to record as many as I could find in a span of about 20 minutes as the old year gave way to the new. Listening levels and audio quality shift depending on the station. Occasional blips of FCC licensed stations are heard as I tune by, but the content here is 95% pirate. Bonne Annee!

"A Big Bonfire of Friendship and Mutual Understanding."

This mashup of vintage cold war propaganda (mostly) from Radio Moscow's North American Service was made for The Schizophonic Archive, a part of The Bureau of Memories: Archives and Ephemera, an exhibition curated by the anthropological collective Ethnographic Terminalia in December 2014,  Thanks to Kim Andrew Elliot, Jack Widner, Marie Lamb, David Bodington, Jeff Place and Smithsonian Folkways for the recordings. Special thanks to Tom Miller and Ethnographic Terminalia,

Shortwave Sound of the Day: Bravo Charlie X-Ray Bravo Papa Charlie, Standby.

At 6am/10:00 UTC this morning,  I was combing the 60 meter shortwave band for the handful of remaining domestic stations from Latin America during the dawn opening to Latin America. Most of them were too weak to hear, but I did come across this strong signal carrying a coded message on 4724 khz USB (Upper Sideband.) This is likely an Emergency Action Message (EAM) from Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland (as others have reported) though I did not hear the familiar "Andrews Out" of similar transmissions in this frequency range. Some interesting characteristics in this message include  digital tones that precede and run throughout the message and a slight echo. The reader also stumbles twice and issues corrections. It sounds to me like the (live) reader says: "MainTail out" at message end. The message's format uses the  International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet, more commonly known as The Nato Phonetic Alphabet.

Here's a copy if you'd like to follow along at home:

Shortwave Sound of the Day: Hymn Time for the Homefolks

Another ambience laden aircheck from Radio Voz Missionaria 9965 Khz Camboriu, Santa Catarina Brazil. I've long had a soft spot for heartlfelt, slightly off-key hymn singing. I recorded this on 9/13/14 @ 22:36 UTC at my listening post in Flatbush, Brooklyn. 

Radio Voz Missionaria Camboriu, Santa Catarina Brasil as recorded in Flatbush, Brooklyn on 9/13/14 at 22:36 UTC

Shortwave Sound of the Day: R. Voz Missionaria ID Sequence

Recorded the day after the recent CME Coronal Mass Ejection.

I recorded this in the creamy crackly aftermath the day after the recent Coronal Mass Ejection event. The 31 meter band was lit up with signals from Asia, the Middle East and Latin America.  Radio Voz Missionaria broadcastson 9665 khz from Camboriu, Santa Catarina, Brasil using 10kw.

Thanks to Babul Gupta for the image from his Radio Missionaria QSL card. Check out his site:

Thanks to Babul Gupta for the image from his Radio Missionaria QSL card. Check out his site:

Timm Ulrichs: Interval Signals

POLYPHONIX 26 - Budapest, 2-6 October 1994 Organized by Artpool (Budapest) and Association Polyphonix (Paris) International sound poetry evening - 2 October - Kolibri Theatre POLYPHONIX 26 - Budapest, 1994. október 2-6. az Artpool (Budapest) és az Association Polyphonix (Paris) szervezésében Nemzetközi hangköltészeti est - október 2.

Shortwave Shindig Live on Shortwave Friday 3/14

The Shortwave Shindig goes live on shortwave Friday 3/14/14 from the 27th Annual Winter SWL Festival in Plymouth Meeting, PA. The Shindig signs on for one hour at 10 pm ET/0200 UTC (3/15) on 7570 khz via WRMI's new Okeechobee facility. Please join us for a celebration of the art and culture of long distance listening.
